
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I want to start taking the pill but I am still on depo is it safe?I am not due for another shot for 2 months.?

I due not like the side effects of depo. I have been on it for almost 1yr and have bled for most of the time. I just want to regulate my period so that i can know when i am ovulating. It makes me really depressed. Is it safe to be on the pill while the shot is still in my system?Will there be any damage to my system?How soon can I expect my period to go back to normal?
You should not go on the pill until at least one month after the time of your next depo shot. If you think your reaction to the depo is bad, you probably don't want to find out what your reaction to a double or triple dose of hormones will do to your system. I was on depo once. I took one shot and experienced a false pregnancy and didn't have a cycle for 9 months. You really need to talk to your gynecologist to see what would be best for you. If your reaction to the depo was unpleasant you will need help figuring out which pill would be better for you. There are many different pills with different hormone amounts and ratios. You should also be checked out to make sure the "bled most of the time" is due to the depo and not a different problem altogether.

Good luck and I hope you feel better very soon!

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