
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I.u.d. question?

hello, has anybody had a i.u.d.? my daughter is getting one put in on her next cycle. how safe are they? are there any problems involved? she chose that over everything else. on the patch right now. any help is greatly appreaciated. thanks in advance.
hi, there are two different types of iud's. one has hormones like the patch (lasts 5 yrs) and one that is made with copper(10yrs). each one comes with certain "risks" just as using any other form of only takes a few minutes to have done and really can't be felt after being put into place...if you have questions, you really should ask the dr. and have them give you the information packets with all the risks involved with the iud...generally though most people never have any problems, and are given instructions as to how to check the iud position and everything at the visit when she will have it put in...i've had my iud for over a year now with no problems, the only thing is my period has gotten a little heavier and a day longer...

so talk to the dr., get the packet, and ask them about anything which you are unsure about.
from what i have heard about IUD's they are very safe and very effective. They are one of the most convenient and effective types of contraceptive. With that being said, there are a few drawbacks. First, if not properly sterilized IUD's can introduce bacteria into the cervix and uterus which can cause infection. It carries a very slight risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. Lastly, it often makes a womans period longer and heavier. However, this usually only lasts for the first few months. Hope this helps..

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