
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If condom burst, what action should take to prevent pregnancy?

mornign after pill
Morning after pill.
morning after pill.
the morning after pill
the sooner you take it
the more affective it is
Morning after pill and a trip to the doctor about a birth control back up plan to use along with a condom.
If the condom burst, and it's within the first 72 hours, have her take Plan B, its available over the counter now I believe and is not an abortion pill, but will help in not letting the woman get pregnant. The mechanism of action is the plan B is a super concentrated pill containing a group of hormones that trick the woman's body into thinking it's already pregant, so that the woman does not have a real pregnancy.
If this has only happened in the last 24 hrs you can douche yourself out with plenty of coarse cooking salt. The salt will kill any sperm that may be dancing around where it shoudn't be. An old nursing matron at a woman's hospital told a friend of mine this and both she and I used nothing but this as our contraception when we were of child bearing age and it never failed us.
go to the pharmacist and request a morning after pill for the girl. pay for it, give it to her and keep your fingers crossed.

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