As childish as this sounds, I need them and I care, I won't tell my mother(parents), because they're annoying and outdated.
so how can I get them without them knowing, And I don't want to buy them myself, I know you're thinking this is ridiculous but
I WON'T TELL MY PARENTS so don't tell me "just tell your parents they will understand", well it's not like that!!
you could go out of town to buy them. or if you have a sister or a close friend who could buy them for you. i once went into a clinic to get some condoms for my friend. it's the same principle here. like i said if your scared or embarrased that someone will recognise you buying them, go to another town where you dont know anyone.
just use bacon
Have one of your friends take you or their parents. Im sure they willl be happy too.
Buy them from walmart and go through the self check out. That's all the advice I have unless you tell one of your friends to but them for you. Sorry.
u have to buy them your self - that or you get a friend to.
If You Go Shopping With Your Friends And One Of Them Has Started Their Period Ask Them To Come Into The Shop While You Buy Them And When You Get Home Keep Them In A Safe Place Where Your Parents Will Not Look Good Luck I Hope This Helped!!
If you want to play at being an adult, then you march your little childish butt to the store and you buy the pantyliners. End of story.
Oh, and BTW, your mother WILL eventually figure out that you're either getting your period or are using liners. She'll see them in the trash or you'll forget to take one out of your underpants and she'll find it in the wash.
Who gives a flying crap if your mother and father know you're reaching least physically.
Oh, and one final note: If you're using liners to prevent "moisture" on your underwear, DO NOT. Using liners prevents your body from breathing properly, and will leave you more open to odors and infections.
If you have the money ask a friend to buy them for you. Or when you go to the store with your mom put them in the buggie and tell her that you are getting them for a friend and that she does not want her mom to find out.
just use bacon...jesus get off this site you moron...she is obviously in need of personal item and it is a big deal to butt out..jokes like this are just not the young girl i suggest you ask your friends or aunty ...if you do decide to build the courage to buy them..check out chicks dont care what you buy...they see the packets of panty liners all day..and they also know they are a normal part of life
If your mom buys you pads or tampons why would'nt she also buy you pantiliners?
I would ask your best friends mom if she can buy some for you.
Are you allowed to walk to the store? You can get them just about anywhere. Don't be embarrassed about buying them yourself. They are a part of every woman's life. If you are close with a friends parent, you can ask them. Or, have a friend buy them for you. If your mom knows that you have your period, she should understand that these items are essential. Unless...your mom still uses the old sock rule! I hope they are not that outdated...
Ask a friend if they have any, and if you can borrow some. They probubly would bring 1 or 2 with them just incase of an emergency, so ask them for one. And if you feel uncomfortable with them, tell them its an emergency, and they will understand.
close your eyes and click your heels together three times??! or perhaps you should do what those of us who are grown do, and buy them yourself. no one will give a rats *** about you buying them unless you act silly (like now) about it.
well.I dont understand why you wont tell your mom...but w/e the reason is...just go to the store, walk down the section that has them.and grab them and pay for them. if you dont have money ask a friend to help you out..
You have to find someone to buy them for you. Why won't you buy them for yourself? Everybody thinks their parents are annoying, talk to your mom. She WILL understand. She has been through this before. Why do you think that they won't understand. trust me, they will. EVERY woman has to deal with her period. If you won't talk to your mom, how about an aunt or older sister?
Get one of you're friends or their cool mom to get em for you. Or you can go on like or and they usually will mail out free samples. Good Luck!
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