It didn't hurt at all going in, once I figured it out. I was at a pool party so I had some motivation to do it (I had tried earlier using cardboard applicators.) My friend let me use one of hers, the Playtex Gentle Guide. Everything went great, but when I got home, after about five hours, it HURT to take out. I mean, it wasn't TOO bad, like, I could stand it. It didn't hurt inside, just the actual opening hurt when I was trying to take it out. It was completely saturated and it was the right absorbency. So, why would it hurt to take out? I'm kind of scared to try tampons again, as I'd rather just have no pain with pads.
this is totally normal. u should feel the tampon pull as it comes out. after using a tampon a few times it gets easier and doesnt hurt as much. but it is bareable. and if you take your fingers and just help pull the flaps of the vagina apart you can easily get the tampon out.
Yeah i kno what you mean. If it was completly saturated then you probably just need to switch them out more often. Dont wait 5 hours next time, just wait like 2 an then switch tampons. Plus the pool water probablt had somthing to do with it being so saturated. Good luck!
Blegh, that's why I hate using tampons. Well, they didn't really hurt to take them out, but it was just really, REALLY uncomfortable. So I switched to pads! haha.
But you might not be used to tampons just yet, and that's the reason why it would hurt. Your vaginal walls haven't been stretched out enough to be comfortable with a thingy of cotton shoved in there.
Oh yeah, and don't leave them in there for more than 4 hours. Another reason it hurt is that you left it in there too long, which caused it to absorb more than it should have.
maybe your vagina in that area was a little dry.
either that or you might have left it in too long.
the ideal time to leave a tampon in is around 4 hours.
just make sure you change it often. and try going down
a smaller size.
It is just a sensative area and stretching and new feelings can be slightly painful. If you continue to wear them, the slight pain will go away.
even though it appeared to be saturated, it could have been left in too long, as far as sizes go, you could have an a cycle that isn't always constant throughout your period each month, so that could cause problems when you choose your size
also consider the way that you took it out, you may have tensed up a bit, making it harder to extract, try sitting the same way that you put it in, and breath in when you pull it out, not too slow either, i pull rather fast, so i dont feel it coming out as much
just some tips
It will hurt coming out at times, especially since you went swimming with it in. It was doing its job while you were swimming and your body adhered to it. Until you get used to using them they will be a little uncomfortable coming out but soon it will be OK. Good luck to you in life.
Don't worry about it. It takes a while to get used to! When I first used one it hurt too, but eventually your body gets used to it. Tampons are much easier than pads, don't be scared. Its just something that ur body isn't used to yet. But it will be. Hope that helped!
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