
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If a person...?

was to smoke only one day a year would it do them any health damage? If so, what about only one cigarette a year?
Your body only needs one damaged cell to begin cancer, any chance you take at smoking could cause it.
If you have illness or cancer in your family you will be predisposed to getting that condition.
I say don't spoke at all!
They could expose themselves to dangerous toxins for one day a year...but they could get addicted while doing it and from one it will lead to another and another until they can't stop and they are a full blown smoker all the time. Besides can't just buy one what do you do...keep the rest of the pack for temptation??
i doubt it. my mom smokes pretty much every night and she's been smoking for like 20 years, so I doubt it will any damage. By the time you smoke again, your lungs would of healed from the year before.

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