i dont think its anything really bad because i am at a young age to get cancer, but i`m not sure. HELP!
Answer: Why would you be nervous to tell your mom? You didn't do anything wrong. Just let her know that you found something and ask her to take you to the doctor. Its nothing to mess around with - the sooner you find out what's going on, the sooner you can either have it treated or just relax because it probably is nothing - BUT you don't want to make the mistake of assuming as such in case its not.
If your mom is going to freak out - make your own doctors appointment and have it checked out. If you dont have the ability to go see your regular doctor, go to a free clinic- planned parenthood can assist you with this as well - they're there not just for birth control reasons :)
Relax...it probably is nothing - but your health is nothing to mess around with. Just get it taken care of - if it turns out to be something, the quicker you get it taken care of, the easier it will be. If its nothing, at least you know its nothing and you can be relieved :)
It makes no sense to sit and stress over something that you can easily have taken care of - which is worse, telling your mom now or worrying about it every moment of every day and later finding out that it was something and if you had just said something, you wouldn't have to deal with it now.
If your breasts are just beginning to develope, then there's nothing wrong. Don't worry
Don't worry probably nothing but a cyst or similar.
However just for your piece of mind get it looked at by a doctor, tell your mum as she can offer guidance and support.
Please do it for you and your family, better to have it looked at now than something untoward developing.
Good luck, don't worry.
Well ignoring it sure isn't going to help. TELL your mother, don't be embarrassed; she has breasts too. She WILL understand. She can than help you make a Dr appointment. Most likely it will be nothing but you will have piece of mind having that confirmation from a doctor.
Ok. Weigh your options:
1. Tell mom you have a lump under your breast--%26gt;get proper medical attention--%26gt;live happily ever after
2. Don't tell mom you have a lump under your breast--%26gt;don't get medical attention--%26gt;go on living with this, worrying and very possibly watching it develop into something worse--%26gt;live happily ever after?
Tell your mom... she is your protector and this is not embarrassing at all. It is a serious health matter. If your arm was broken, would you not tell her? This is your mom, not some stranger.
Tell her to make you a doctors appt. And talk to your doctor. It may just be your breasts developing, but it isn't safe to assume so.
This is something really scary to deal with and anyone can understand that even your mom. She will probably want you to get checked out by your gyn, which you should. Even if you and your mom think it's nothing and it's probably not, you should go and make sure. Good luck and I hope that everything works out for you.
I am assuming that you are a young girl. Tell her, or at least get examined by a trusted health professional. This is a part of growing up and nothing to be embarrased about.